My Story

Hi! I am Chantelle and I am the sole creator/designer/photographer/social media expert of Crescent Moon Jewellery (and I am also a Registered Nurse/Midwife and a Mummy to the most beautiful little boy Archer)

My journey with Polymer Clay started back in 2019, I needed a distraction as my fiance (Chris) and I were dealing with infertility issues! Then COVID-19 hit worldwide and our world was rocked in more ways than one… we were told I would be unlikely to get pregnant without IVF!

So Chris and I started to navigate that journey only to be told IVF was being classed as elective surgery and we would need to wait for operating theatres to be opened again. Long story short we got a miracle and fell pregnant and now have a beautiful healthy boy Archer (who you would see in my stories a lot as he is my little shadow!)

While navigating becoming a Mum for the first time, my love for Polymer Clay grew as I learnt new techniques and styles! I then started playing with Resin and boy oh boy another love at first sight! I am the girl who is obsessed with colour, glitter and of course LEOPARD PRINT.

Thanks to a supportive Fiance, Mother and Sister I am out and about on most Sundays (I still am) at several markets around South Australia where I am able to connect with my customers while giving customers the opportunity to connect with me!

It has been an amazing 3 years so far, and I cannot wait to see where Crescent Moon Jewellery will be in another 12 months! I adore seeing my amazing customers rocking my designs… You guys ROCK.